Job Killer

found online by Raymond

Raymond: We frequently link to Green Eagle, partly because of the insights, partly because of the writing skills, partly because Green Eagle is so good it makes Burr jealous.

From Green Eagle:

“Job Killer.” How many times have we heard the Republicans throw around that term, whenever the Democrats try to accomplish anything, and invariably without a shred of fact to back up their claims. No Democratic initiative has come in for more of this counterfactual name-calling than Obamacare. So, five years on, it is helpful, I think, to look at the reality, as shown by this chart, from an article at Forbes’ website, hardly a progressive bastion:

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One thought on “Job Killer”

  1. Two possible objections come immediately to mind in the absence of any data besides the one graph:

    1.) Many of those may be part-time jobs

    2.) Whatever kind of jobs they are, there might have been more if the ACA had not been passed

    The apocalyptic predictions have not come to pass, of course, but many of those who made the “job killer” argument simply meant what they mean when they make the same argument about other legislation or taxation: it interferes with the creation of good jobs.

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