Hater for Hating Hate

found online by Raymond

From Capt. Fogg Human Voices:

Yes, sure, call me a hater for hating hate, for hating corruption, for hating the murder of things I hold fundamental, self-evident: for hating the summary destruction of the infrastructure of our former Republic and you’re right, I hate Donald Trump and I hate the people who support his outrages and I hate them to the point where the word itself is strained to the point of breaking. It may be your right to withdraw, to close your eyes and wait for the end times and whatever they may bring. Just understand that to me it’s the patriot’s duty, the citizen’s burden and the obligation of the honest man to oppose and to be seen to be opposing the rise of tyrannical corruption and the acts of treason we will have to endure if you do.

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One thought on “Hater for Hating Hate”

  1. I would be inclined to agree with the good Captain, if he had not just now found troubling things to hate with the coming of the Trump administration instead of seeing all of the injustices and usurpations that occurred under his predecessor too.

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