The Republicans’ Game — Down the Constitutional Rabbit Hole

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

Some Congressional Republicans — not many yet, but the list is growing — are signing on to the view that Russian interference in the election merits investigation or is at least a serious scandal. Trying to look at the Trump problem as they must see it, I’m beginning to get an idea of what their game is.

Even to guys like Ryan and McConnell, it must be obvious that a Trump Presidency would be intolerably dangerous. He’s not even in office yet and he’s already created an international incident with China, he’s blatantly kowtowing to Russia, he refuses to take intelligence briefings, and in general he’s randomly blundering in ways which, continued over four years with the full power of the Presidency, would inevitably mean disaster. He’s also blithely tossed a number of right-wing sacred cows in the dump, such as free trade.

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