Missouri Senator: Illinois Woes Tied to Gay Rights

found online by Raymond

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

JEFFERSON CITY • The sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment giving Missouri businesses the right to refuse to serve same-sex couples is suggesting that Illinois’ gay rights laws are dragging down its economy.

Sen. Bob Onder, R-Lake Saint Louis, told reporters Tuesday that he disagrees with business groups and others who say his proposed constitutional amendment would hurt Missouri.

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One thought on “Missouri Senator: Illinois Woes Tied to Gay Rights”

  1. Such a weird, backward mentality. Red meat, I guess, to avoid any real issues to address in the state.

    “The state cannot penalize an individual who declines, due to sincere religious beliefs, to provide goods of expressional or artistic creation for a same sex wedding or wedding reception.” – SJR39

    Fine. You don’t want to make your cake for those nice gay people who want to give you money for your services? Don’t use their sexuality in your declination of service.

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