Sunday Morning Comin’ Down: Media Really Is Trying To Kill Us

found online by Raymond

From driftglass:

There’s big money in liquidating America.

And CNN president Jeff Zucker is all about the money.

So instead of talking about the parade of grifters, dementors, creepy doll-eyed “Trump surrogate” pod people and “journalists” who are awakening from a 20 year coma to discover that — zOMG! — the Party of Lincoln has been taken over by grifters, dementors and creepy doll-eyed pod people, let us rather thank Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post for writing this story:

Jeff Zucker’s singular role in promoting Donald Trump’s rise

It is nothing which we dirty hippies have not known for a long, long time, but what a frosty glass of iced tea in Hell it is to have your deductions validated by an honest-to-Mike shoe-leather, newspaper reporting:

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