Which Trump Do You Love?

found online by Raymond

From Capt. Fogg at Human Voices:

Viruses like HIV that have an extremely high mutation rate, like moving targets in general, are hard to fight. The same thing seems to be true of Donald Trump. Not only a moving target, he’s one that jumps from quantum state to quantum state and can be at two places at one time.

Many people seem to have trouble understanding how he can make a fool of himself over and over again and suffer no adverse consequences. Trump himself has commented, with no small degree of smugness, that he can get away with anything, and indeed discussing one day’s outrageous statement or act is difficult because it’s so soon swamped by today’s outrageous and sometimes contradictory statement. One day he’s going to put millions in boxcars and send them to camps, the next day he’s going to be compassionate. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, fade away like smoke.

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