Shootings, Orphans, Roe Rampage, Alleys, Sex, Sin, Jan 6, Boris

  • Hackwhackers reports via tweets on a tragedy within a tragedy as Highland Park produces a two-year-old orphan. A Republican provides a stunning party reaction.
  • In two sentences, M. Bouffant at Web of Evil manages to explain how a trip to the library has changed.
  • CalicoJack in The Psy of Life looks at the research. Experts go back more than a quarter century, to every mass shooting on record, and interview everyone who can be interviewed. They come up with a four ingredient recipe for making mass shooters.
  • At The Moderate Voice traces the abortion ruling to a deeply ingrained religious tradition that regards sex other than for procreation to be sinful.
  • North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz says America is about to find out what happens when a small minority weaponizes the very systems designed to protect its citizenry, and that people of faith need to take stock and respond.
  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged suggests the self-righteousness of the self-described pro-life movement turns out to be all about self and not much about life.
  • SilverAppleQueen rages at Republicans over the end of Roe, but suggests we not be too eager to praise Democrats.
  • A protest outside a restaurant is aimed at Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The right of a SCOTUS member to eat peacefully is defended by the restaurant, indignant supporters, and a mainstream online news publication.
    Cato Institute’s Julian Sanchez has an opinion:

  • Tommy Christopher does have to search hard to find reactions as Justice Kavanaugh is denied a peaceful restaurant dinner. Reports are he exits through the back into an alley.
    I agree that it is wrong to deny him, or anyone, a right to privacy. Forcing people to exercise their basic rights in back alleys is simply wrong.
    Infidel753 provokes an additional observation. We have seen a similar ethic during Vietnam war protests during my younger years, and examples of greater violence in more recent anti-abortion activism.

    The idea is that wrongful actions are justified because they are in opposition to a much greater evil. This is a moral self contradiction. A more minor wrong is still wrong.

    It is a tactic that lacks even the virtue of effectiveness. It alienates potential allies, and damages the cause it is intended to support. That makes it both wrong and self-indulgent.

  • Nojo goes to a founding document to suggest that our government has lost its legitimacy.
  • In the face of serious rollbacks of American rights, with more likely to come, Infidel753 urges a sense of perspective. Past problems, those we experience in history books, were more serious at the time than any we face now. Current loss, serious as it is, does not obviate the progress that remains, or the work which is still to be done.

A few tweets I thought worthy:

Our friend Infidel753 points out: the photograph of the girl at the gravestone is apparently from Georgia several years ago, not from Ukraine. Not that that makes what is happening in Ukraine any less terrible.

And I’m allowed a few of my own:

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4 thoughts on “Shootings, Orphans, Roe Rampage, Alleys, Sex, Sin, Jan 6, Boris”

  1. One point about Daal’s post — Aithal isn’t the one who’s 108. Morrie Markoff, the 108-year-old blogger, and Aithal, the self-publisher of six books, are two different people.

    Also, the photograph of the girl at the gravestone is apparently from Georgia several years ago, not from Ukraine. Not that that makes what is happening in Ukraine any less terrible.

    One point of curiosity about all those who are justifying harassing Supreme Court justices in restaurants or protesting outside their houses — will the be equally supportive when it’s right-wing protesters similarly harassing judges or legislators who have made a ruling or law the right wing objects to? Because that’s certainly coming. I’ve seen a lot of people defend such tactics, but I’ve never seen any of them address that point.

    1. Thank you for the correction, and for the thoughtful insight.

      The wisdom does not surprise.
      I’ve gotten used to it.

  2. Thanks for the mentions. Just to be clear, Green Eagle is not having a bad day, he is having a bad life. Just like all parrots, he is pretty much angry about everything, except when he is asleep. Come a little closer if you would enjoy a nice bite.

  3. thanks as always for including me in your list — no doubt Aithal would love to be writing & creating still at 108!

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