Conspiracy, 2020, Jan 6, COVID, Fox,
Climate, Balance, Biden, Economics

  • The Propaganda Professor explains the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy: the human tendency to create suspicious patterns out of pretty much nothing.
  • The BIG event of my youth was the assassination of JFK. Of course it had to be a massive conspiracy. To think a deranged narcissist, acting alone, was responsible would be the moral equivalent of imagining that the President had died choking on a chicken bone.
    CalicoJack in The Psy of Life traces those conspiracy theories currently threatening our democracy (Think stolen election) to proportionality bias.
  • Uh oh. The massive conspiracy to crush conservative expression is regarded with remarkable calm by CATO’s Julian Sanchez

  • Dave Dubya bravely faces entertaining conspiracy theories about millions of illegal votes. He is armed only with dull boring facts.
  • Sarah Cooper applies the knife and gunfight rule:

  • tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors says Wisconsin conspiracy Republicans are having a hard time keeping things together. They are spending hundreds of thousands to finance an investigation into the overly investigated 2020 election, kind of like the off-the-rails “audit” in Arizona. They hired a couple of retired police detectives as investigators.
    Problem, though. After being exposed to the nature of the investigation, the investigators both quit. The Republican self-assigned to organize the replay says no problem. The investigation will just take a while longer, since there are no longer any investigators.
  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson reviews explosive testimony from police officers who held back the Jan 6 rioters from their targets. A couple of those targets may become targets of the investigation.
  • Andy Borowitz reports congressional Republicans are furious at Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for being on the investigating committee. So they have voted to force both to spend an hour with Ted Cruz.

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One thought on “Conspiracy, 2020, Jan 6, COVID, Fox,
Climate, Balance, Biden, Economics”

  1. It’s pretty clear that none of the chuckleheads criticizing Simone Biles have ever played competitive team sports.

    If your best pitcher gets the yips in Game 7 of the world series, the manager balls in a relief pitcher. She got the twisties, which is vastly more dangerous than giving up hits, and took herself out of the game, to make way for [checks notes] another world-class gymnast on the team. Who lead them to the gold. The on to an individual gold in the all around.

    This is what team sports are all about.

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