Bannon Humor, QAnon, Sociopaths Insulted , Dem Satanism, McSally Diet

  • Frances Langum gets the humor. Steve Bannon jokes publicly about ripping off We Build the Wall enthusiasts, then actually does rip them off, in exactly the way he laughed about doing it. Yachts, anyone?
  • At News Corpse, Trump dimly recalls meeting Steve Bannon sometime in the distant past but doesn’t remember any fraudulent fundraising effort called We Build the Wall. NewsCorpse senses something is missing here and checks it out.
  • M. Bouffant at Web of Evil just can’t believe what’s being aired as my President appreciates the support of QAnon lunatics.
  • The Borowitz Report brings the angry reaction of my president to Biden’s pro-empathy acceptance speech. He demands that Biden apologize to the nation’s sociopaths for the insult.
  • A crazed conservative pastor comes up with proof that Democrats are all worshipers of Satan. If you look at the 5 pointed star in the convention logo sideways, it looks like a pentagonal sign popularly associated with Wicca. Wow! That certainly settles it! Then tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors messes it all up by thoughtfully providing a similar display that is precisely 50 times worse. Anyone who guesses what it is gets to stay and clean the erasers.
  • Tuesday was a hell of a day. In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson notices that, on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, my president manages to trip over Susan B. Anthony, Michelle Obama, COVID-19, and the US Postal Service. Tough Tuesday.
  • driftglass yields time to Humphrey Bogart who makes the case against Trump.
  • At The Moderate Voice, a long ago immigrant from Ecuador who defended our nation as an officer in the US Air Force, teaches my president about five words and cognitive testing.
  • A few days ago, Max’s Dad watched my president semi-gloat to a loyal audience that New Zealand, the so-called success story in the fight against COVID-19 with zero cases in over three months, was suddenly experiencing a massive explosion of new cases. Seems New Zealand was desperately trying to track down the source of those 9 new cases.
    That would be nine.
    Mr. Trump recently shrugged at 170,000 US cases with “It is what it is.”
  • Okay, so Trump’s last discovery of a sure cure for COVID-19 was a dud. Who could have known? But Green Eagle has great news. My president has discovered a new for-sure cure! He is pushing for approval by the Food and Drug Administration right away! Experts are alarmed. They insist there is no scientific indication it works, and it does cause heart problems. But those experts are always raining on parades. And it IS endorsed by the my-pillow guy.
    Besides, a lot of us who listen to our leader just want this pandemic hoax to end so we can stop injecting household cleaning products.
  • North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz presents Christians with Christian logic. If, as we believe, God exists, then science comes from God. Science presents us with knowledge that we can use to save lives. So we also must know that God wants each of us to wear a mask. So wear the damn thing!
  • Iron Knee at Political Irony takes a brief look at Corona deaths and then at mail-in voting fraud and breaks the brain of a hypothetical Trump supporter.
  • So President Trump will be visiting a restaurant in Virginia? At The Onion, alarmed restaurant officials are creating emergency plans in case Trump refuses to leave.
  • Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger brings an analysis that gives us an 85% chance of a Biden Presidency. It occurs to me that it would be close to your chance of surviving a game of Russian Roulette. Anyone comfortable with those odds? How about, instead of pulling that trigger, we all vote?
  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara objects to a study of Trump appeals to white fear. Eddie Glaude of Princeton University says that it is an appeal to apprehension about change: “It’s all rooted in this panic about the place of white people in this new America.” Michael is indignant. The professor should realize that no group should have a special place in American society! In my home we call this missing the point.
  • Scotties Toy Box carries the angry reaction of a public performer to being fired, just for criticizing Dolly Parton. I mean, who can’t benefit from a little constructive criticism? Like “freak titted” or “slut” or “old Southern bimbo”? We can be glad he had the tiny bit of good sense to use a euphemism when he got around to calling her “a BLM Lover”. Her endorsement of Black Lives Matter is what set the guy off. Why should a performer lose his job just for that? For some reason, Scottie seems unsympathetic.
  • Dave Dubya is kind of proud at successfully getting banned by a self-described Proud Boy, who nonetheless insists he is not a racist. Dave provides highlights of the beating Proud Boy was getting in print before Proudy ran away.
  • Republican Senator Martha McSally is in election trouble in Arizona. She pleads with conservatives to sacrifice a few meals to give her some recovery funds. Cato’s Julian Sanchez reacts with a much more entertaining response than “Huh?”
  • In The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser, we discover the biblical truth. The Bible does not order us never to judge. And, interestingly, Christians who believe that we are told not to judge, spend much of their salvation doing lots and lots of just that.