The Culture War Turns Hot

found online by Raymond


From Infidel753:

It is time to recognize reality. The Bible-thumpers, reactionaries, racists, and miscellaneous paranoid morons comprising Red America are not our fellow countrymen. They voted for Trump largely because he would “own the libs” and inflict pain on us. They are our enemies, they hate us, and they are actively waging aggressive war against us. I have nothing in common with this horde of gibbering barbarians.

This division didn’t start with Trump. It goes back at least to the Civil War. We beat them then, at huge cost, and we should have completely crushed them and forcibly reformed their politics and culture, as we did with Germany and Japan after World War II. Instead, over time the internal enemy gradually metastasized through the whole territory of the United States, bringing the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow and creationism in the schools and a bitter-end resistance to gay rights and women’s independence — and, in the last few decades, an infestation of increasingly stupid and deranged politicians culminating in Trump.

But even if the division has existed for generations, Red America’s hysterical vilification of Obama during his presidency, and then their imposition of Trump on the country, have widened it into an unbridgeable chasm and destroyed whatever sense of common American identity did manage to exist before.

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16 thoughts on “The Culture War Turns Hot”

  1. I seldom agree with Infidel’s positions, although I have respected him as I typically find most of his writing to at least be logical, fairly well thought out, and the emotional hysteria so often found with the left is usually kept to a minimum; therefore, I can only assume he was having a really bad day when he wrote this latest article.

    Yes, there sadly are red-state Americans that behave as he has stereotyped, but they are few and far between. Ironically, I have come across a lot more low-information leftists, whom have been indoctrinated by academia, the media, and pop culture which are openly hostile to those who have the temerity to disagree with them. Ask my brother who was physically attacked at the Portland airport simply because he was wearing a MAGA hat. So much for tolerance being a virtue of the left.

    As a life-long conservative, I have many family members and friends that are liberal in their politics. We can have in depth conversations and still be civil in our disagreements. Evidently this is NOT the case with many of today’s leftists. If they are put in charge, this time socialism/communism will work for everyone. Unless you are a conservative. Then you will be “re-educated” and enlightened as losers of this hypothetically imminent civil war. Come to think of it, this sounds a lot like the old socialist regimes! You know the ones. Those where there is an equal sharing of misery among comrades, except for the benevolent and enlightened ruling politburo class. They will remain fabulously wealthy. (Kind of like a self-professed socialist Vermont senator that has really never had much of a paying job outside of politics, and yet has three homes and is a millionaire.)

    I did not like much of what Obama did. I do not personally like Trump. I voted for neither one of them. Both were/are my president. I think Infidel’s article preparing like-minded people for “civil war” is short-sighted and dangerous. How about we work to understand, if not agree with each other. I think in that way we can restore E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. That is the way to heal this divide rather than stoke the flames of civil war even higher.

  2. For the life of me I cannot find a single point made by Infidel that Tyrell has identified and countered by evidence or reason.

    Instead Tyrell offers the standard Right wing buffet of projection, resentments, victim card, several commie cards.

    For many Americans of color, the new symbol of racism is a MAGA hat. How could someone wear one in public be ignorant enough to not know it is a symbol of divisiveness at the least and racism at its worst? The man they worship has long history of racism, dishonesty and hate. The hat tells everyone they embrace the man famous for those traits. The act of wearing one is itself provocative as wearing a NAACP hat to a Klan meeting. Even the MAGA bomber doesn’t deter them. In fact they share his same hate for the intended victims.

    And speaking of racists and other belligerent extremists. Brandishing firearms in a protest demonstration tells us they have the weaker moral grounding. They are bullies bent on threats and intimidation. This makes them terrorists, not patriots. Confederate and Nazi flags tell us they are proud in their racism. Their Hawaiian “boogaloo” shirts are symbols of their embrace of open civil war. Like the Charlottesville Nazis, they are “good people” to the racist President.

    They are nuts or Nazis. Take your pick.

    Infidel is correct. The divisions from the War to Preserve Slavery have never been healed. Conservatives have ALWAYS sided with feudalism, slavery, monarchy, aristocracy, corporatism and suppression of majority rule. Authoritarianism is their only operating core principle. They are the royalists of our time.

    Notice his accusation of “indoctrination by media and academia”.

    He is openly disparaging journalism, a free press, science and education.

    A cult needs to attack all sources of information not disseminated through its spokesmen and leaders.

    He is telling us the likes of Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Alex Jones are the real truth tellers. Everyone who disagrees are obviously commies. This is the essence of his case.

    And as we have long observed, a cult is not a cult to a cult. But the evidence is clear enough that the American Right has devolved into a cult. How else could we explain the loyal following of a vain, vengeful, corrupt, and criminal pathological liar? What better explanation could there be of the utter rejection of educators, scientists, and journalists as “propagandists” while only the voices of Republicans are telling us the truth? Who really has the political agenda here? Who are the flagrantly dishonest purveyors of false accusations, lies and misinformation?

    Why do they need to dismiss or frame all dissent with terms like “emotional hysteria”, “politburo”, “re-education” and Communism?

    In a strikingly similar narrative, our old conservative friend Mr. T. Paine recently proposed this wild and unsupported claim. “…many of the very policies that the American left now espouses are the same ones that Stalin and the USSR did.” For some reason this went unexplained. Can you imagine that?

    Note the ease at which they cast their aspersions and accusations without a shred of supporting evidence or foundation of reason. They don’t have to employ facts or reason. They only need to state their beliefs. Yes, their indoctrinated beliefs. They are telling us Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Alex Jones are all to be trusted more than educators, scientists, and journalists.

    Dare they explain why the propagandists for the far Right and Republican Party are the sole sources of truth?

    No. They dare not, for they cannot. In their indoctrinated belief system, they present their beliefs as truth. They see no need to show their evidence or reasoning. Belief trumps reality over and over again. It is textbook self-delusion and derangement.

    Their enemies are journalists, educators, scientists and anyone who advances free thought and open inquiry. They are America’s heirs of Nazism. They hate the same people Hitler’s Nazis hated.

    The threat from the radical Right is very real. African Americans, Unitarians, Sikhs, etc. have been slaughtered in their places of worship. Mexicans were massacred in a shopping center. Many similar acts of Right Wing terrorism have occurred against individuals of other minorities.

    Let’s not delude ourselves. This is fascism.

  3. After all that Trump has said and done and after the sickening praise that his voters, Republican politicians, and conservative media have heaped upon him, I see no reason to listen to anything that Republicans have to say. These people absolutely are our enemies, as they must be, for their goals and methods and “reasoning” are so often at odds with what is good. And, as we see here, even when they speak of unity, they cannot help but attack “leftists” and depict them as the true enemies of our country.

    “How about we work to understand, if not agree with each other” is not a plan of action, but a silly, implausible dream from someone who has little interest in doing what he himself prescribes. The chasm is indeed unbridgeable.

  4. Ryan,
    We can never reason with cult members, religious fanatics, or far Right ideologues. They have no capacity for reason, and are fearful and suspicious of any thought and information outside their belief system.

    “How about we work to understand, if not agree with each other” is the emptiest of empty gestures.

    They will never understand the fact we understand them far more than they are capable of understanding us. In fact, their “understanding” begins and ends with the false beliefs they’ve been fed about the dreaded “others”.

    They are convinced they already know everything about us. They will insist they know more about what we think than we do. We are commies. End of discussion. Note the patronizing condescension framed in phrases like “emotional hysteria” and ” can only assume he was having a really bad day”.

    Their bottomless deck of “commie cards”, with the accompanying “victim cards”, are all they have as as a foundation for discourse. Everything must first be forced into these compartmentalized boxes or they will abandon any effort to “understand” us.

    They already have all the answers, and have always held to their conclusions before beginning any discussion. It’s the con-servative mindset. It is the same with any cult, or extremist political ideology.

  5. We are at a point where either side’s exaggerations, lies, or guesses about the other are unnecessary. I don’t need to think that a Republican neighbor is a KKK sympathizer and he doesn’t need to think that I’m a communist layabout. Our actual divisions are fundamental, irreconcilable, obvious, and completely capable of fueling resentment on their own. He knows that I support gay marriage, abortion, progressive taxation, separation of church and state, gun regulations, a more democratic system, and atheism; I know that he rejects these things, substitutes (his own interpretation of) the Bible for a science textbook and moral philosophy, and supports Trump. That is more than enough.

    As for understanding each other, it is *very* clear that religious conservatives in particular struggle with understanding liberals or the non-religious, even when those people explain their perspectives to them. It is common to hear things like “You just want to live in sin!” or “You don’t want any rules” or “You think killing people in the womb is fine” because they have no basis for understanding anything outside of the religious perspective into which they were indoctrinated. If they are converts, they often project how they used to feel onto everyone else (e.g. “I used to feel all alone/empty/irredeemable like you until I was saved by Jesus”), which is also extremely common among conservatives. Yes, the religious conservative bubble is particularly powerful and difficult to penetrate.

  6. “For many Americans of color, the new symbol of racism is a MAGA hat.” ~DD

    Yeah, my friend and a family member of color whom both support Trump would never wear a MAGA hat to proclaim their overt racism.

    “He is openly disparaging journalism, a free press, science and education.” ~ DD

    No! I love those integrity-oozing journalists that hound Justice Kavanaugh for unsubstantiated and uncorroborated allegations against him but completely ignore Tara Reade’s corroborated and substantiated allegations against Joe Biden. I could fill a book the size of a Tolstoy novel with the double standards, omissions, and leftist bias that is found in most “journalism” these days. But Dave will hide behind the trope that it is “corporate media” instead of acknowledging the truth of the leftist mainstream media.

    I am absolutely in support of a free press. It is the left that wants to shut down Limbaugh, Fox News, and any source that doesn’t tow the leftist orthodoxy line. Science? Nope as an engineer, I am against that too. No place for physics. No place for biology. (which tells that there are two sexes. Male XY, and female XX.)

    The true ignorance and bigotry are found by leftists who assume that anyone who believes in God must be an uneducated hick rube without the ability of critical thinking. Many, not all, on the left see government or militant environmentalism as their “faith”. My Christian faith is informed by science. Science explains the “how”, while my faith explains the “why”.

    As for education, well, that has become such a laughing stock these days. It was just reported that less than 25% our eighth graders were proficient in basic history or civics. And yet we have the Pulitzer prize awarded to the “journalistic-supported” NY Times 1619 project, which has been completely debunked by credible historians as the revisionist agenda-driven PC fictional version of history that it is.

    We all know how far America has slipped in math and the sciences over the past decades, as fewer and fewer students pursue classes in the hard sciences because… well… their “hard”. Better to take a class on gender studies, right? The left with the NEA and powerful unions have destroyed education in the name of political correctness. You can champion that kind of “education” if you choose, Mr. Dubya, but I’d like to see our students actually be truly educated.

    “Their enemies are journalists, educators, scientists and anyone who advances free thought and open inquiry.” ~ DD

    Really? My enemy is never the journalist who reports the facts of who, what, where, when, and why, without editorializing or omitting important facts. I applaud educators that teach rather than indoctrinate. I champion scientists that learn and discover without cherry-picking or falsifying data to come to their pre-determined PC outcome. (Anthropogenic global warming, anyone?) Free thought? Great! Not like what happened at places like Berkley and most other major universities where anyone right of center is protested, shouted down, or attacked. And not just by the fascist Antifa, but by the leftist students encouraged by their professors. They are evidently scared of opposing view point from their own and having “free thought.” Open inquiry is only allowed to occur if one doesn’t inquire from a conservative perspective.

    “These people absolutely are our enemies, as they must be, for their goals and methods and ‘reasoning’ are so often at odds with what is good.” ~ Ryan

    What Ryan writes is a dangerous example of what I mean. He thinks that I am not good and am his enemy. He isn’t interested in my “silly” idea of at least trying to understand each other, despite the fact that we will likely never agree with each other. There is nothing to learn and nothing to be said to these lesser people, right, Ryan? It is this method of making people scape goats to be seen as dehumanized “others” that has caused some of the greatest human atrocities in history.

    We can disagree without resorting to dehumanizing each other. And yes, I know there are people on the right that are guilty of this too. I call them out as well. It is sad that old friends and even family members have turned away in hate from each other because of a disagreement about political ideology, but I guess that might be for the greater good and the purification of the human race for some.

    I don’t consider Ryan or Dave my enemy. I wonder if the same can be said by them.

    1. “He thinks that I am not good and am his enemy.”

      One can have the best intentions, but that doesn’t make him a good person. Bad desires, false beliefs, poor reasoning, and reckless behavior can all cause needless harm to others. A pattern of such features without a good excuse is sufficient for me to deem someone bad and I am comfortable with labeling certain bad people my enemies. I don’t know you well enough yet, but you do exhibit certain patterns common to others I deem enemies.

      “He isn’t interested in my “silly” idea of at least trying to understand each other”

      What I’m not interested in is wasting my time and energy on people whose beliefs (especially nonsensical ones) are set in stone, who are either not genuinely open to hearing or incapable of understanding my perspective, and who do not (or cannot) argue in good faith. I find debate with religious conservatives unbearable accordingly. I *know* how these debates go, so I am no longer likely to be pulled into one by someone who claims that he is different or accuses me of being too scared or closed-minded to engage with him.

      What I meant in my original comment, however, is that we are *collectively* past the point of understanding and agreeing with each other. Of course certain individuals and small groups can pull it off, usually out of necessity or because they are not perfect fits in the political parties. But it just doesn’t translate to the country as a whole. Ideally, our government would do it for us, but we can’t rely on our elected representatives when they’re chosen by and beholden to the most extreme or wealthy among us.

      “It is this method of making people scape goats to be seen as dehumanized “others” that has caused some of the greatest human atrocities in history.”

      I’m not dehumanizing them. I’m well aware that they’re human, that humans have limitations, and that those particular humans have too many of a certain kind for me to get along with them. I definitely don’t think that they should be anywhere near the levers of power.

      “disagreement about political ideology”

      But political ideology is very important. It might only affect whether or not a town raises taxes slightly to pay its teachers more money, but it could also affect whether or not we kill thousands or millions overseas in the name of expansion or bigotry. We face many issues of great importance between these two extremes and our political affiliation is a generally reliable predictor of where we stand on them. If we are comfortable spurning others for qualities with less of a potential impact in the world, I don’t see why we should feel any shame for doing it over this. I have no interest in friendship with someone who thinks that gay people should not be allowed to raise a child and I understand why someone who believes that abortion is murder would not want me as a friend. These are perfectly acceptable places to draw lines. To the extent that “Democrat” or “Republican” becomes shorthand for those same positions, it is therefore acceptable to draw the line simply over political ideology.

      Honestly, I find it strange that so many of those who are quick to sing the praises of ancestors who killed and died for freedom, equality, and other respectable ideals are so quick to condemn people in modern times for simply not wanting to associate with those who oppose such ideals.

    2. I hadn’t read your response to Dave when I replied. Now that I have, I have a much clearer opinion of you.

      I have plenty of problems with just-so “leftist” moralizing and shouting down of other viewpoints, how many liberals speak so confidently of science and education, how they are quick to make accusations of bigotry when they aren’t true or necessary, and more. If I felt like I were dealing with someone who had the same problems but wasn’t similarly indoctrinated by the right, I might give you a chance. But you’re set in stone and comfortable with your talking points and buzzwords.

      I’ve engaged with people like you before. You’re not worth it. You’re my enemy.

      1. Ryan,
        Again, “Tyrell”, has shown he can’t make a reasoned case backed by evidence.

        It is nothing but indoctrinated far Right talking points, resentments, and dogma. He equates communism to progressivism, therefore we are enemies to his ideology. He won’t come out and say it directly. Trump speaks for the Right, and they never contradict him.

        If anything, he has openly corroborated my point on his hostility towards journalism, science and education. These are all evil voices of Stalinism to him, only because they don’t embrace his beliefs. Maybe the “leftist” press is evil for calling out Trump’s lies? Only the boot-lickers of conservative media are honest in his bubble. Yet they never call out Trump’s lies and cruel demonization. This is their source of truth?

        “Integrity-oozing journalists” and “leftist mainstream media” are his terms for corporate media. Is he so misinformed he doesn’t know mainstream media is corporate owned and very corporate biased? Or does his indoctrination blind him to this truth? The facts don’t matter, obviously.

        Reasonable people can be left with the impression that their false beliefs are at least acts of willful ignorance.

        Exhibit A:

        “integrity-oozing journalists” …”completely ignore Tara Reade’s corroborated and substantiated allegations…”

        This demonstrably false. We can easily link to numerous articles in the corporate biased New York Times and Washington Post, or even the liberal Mother Jones to see this is a lie.

        But it’s just fine that conservative media ignores ALL of Trump’s lies and the allegations against him. Funny how that works.

        The “leftist bias” in journalism is perceived only from the Right. “Liberal media” is itself a Right wing propaganda point. Even it were true, any research or fact checking will show “leftist bias” is almost always closer to the truth. But they refuse to even consider the idea of Right wing bias. How about that? Self examination and questioning of their beliefs are not in their character. They already know everything they need to know. This is why they are incapable of listening to or learning from other viewpoints.

        No mind is as closed as a conservative mind. The prove it every day.

        I’ve made repeated requests for him to supply evidence to support his case, and he has failed. He just repeats the dogma and blatant falsehoods.

        (XY/XX) Simple, right? Science, and reality, tell us there are hermaphrodites, transsexuals, and sexual identification across the spectrum. The Right has always lived in a black and white world. This is intentional. The authoritarian brain cannot process ambiguity as well as the rest of us. Their brains are different from ours. Science has shown us their primitive fight or flight center is more dominant. Their amygdala is larger and more active.

        “We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala”.

        Not that we can expect an engineer to know this.

        “The left that wants to shut down Limbaugh, Fox News, and any source that doesn’t tow the leftist orthodoxy line.” And “The true ignorance and bigotry are found by leftists who assume that anyone who believes in God must be an uneducated hick rube without the ability of critical thinking.”

        Victim Cards #39073 and #39074. They like to think we want to silence them and they are suffering religious persecution. The paranoid are always victims.

        Like their Orange Fuhrer, “Nobody has ever been treated so badly”.

        The “NY Times 1619 project, which has been completely debunked by credible historians” is another outright lie. I can bet dollars to pine cones none of those who regurgitate this line have even read any of it. They refuse to consider slavery’s impact on racism in America. They typically argue, “No racism here, and if so, it is minimal and rare”.

        “The left with the NEA and powerful unions have destroyed education in the name of political correctness.”

        No evidence cited, of course.

        Funny how that can happen under the effects of conservative local school boards and the overly influential Texas State Board of Education actually. rewriting history .

        Evidence schmevidence. Just parrot Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck. They are the only truth tellers. Just watch them play their victim cards. These are very “oppressed” millionaires. Just as “oppressed” as the lily-white covidiots brandishing guns in public, demanding the privilege to spread disease.

        I particularly like this victim card: “most other major universities where anyone right of center is protested, shouted down, or attacked”

        Berkeley School of Law professor John Yoo is best known as the author of the Bush’s “torture memos” from 2002, which argued that interrogation techniques such as waterboarding and sleep deprivation are legal. Yes, conservatives generally accept torturing those who resisted American military aggression and occupation.

        And how about all those liberals invited to teach and speak at Bob Jones University? How about Liberty University? Zero tolerance for them. What laughable projection.

        Isn’t it amazing how antifa have become “fascist”, because they directly oppose neo-Nazis, the Klan, Proud Boys, and other far Right hate groups?

        Orwell’s “Ignorance is strength” and Trump’s “I love the poorly educated” tell us authoritarians feed on ignorance.

        And how about this projection?

        “It is this method of making people scape goats to be seen as dehumanized “others” that has caused some of the greatest human atrocities in history.”

        How blind can one be to not see this is the MO on the Right? Trump accuses democrats of treason and hating America, and calls journalists “enemies of the people”.

        This is dictator level demonization and scapegoating.

        “Tyrell” or, T. Paine, has equated liberal policies with Stalinism. Obviously he and the radical Right see us as enemies.

        That is how they are indoctrinated.

        Again. This is fascism.

        1. Had I the will and energy to engage in a proper debate right now over so many issues, I would defend some of Tyrell’s points, at least in part. I think that the left needs to learn some humility, doubt, and open-mindedness and it probably needs to hear it from its own. But I say that with the confidence that the right never will learn them and the suspicion that it is incapable. It doesn’t appear to be interested in even displaying the *veneer* of such qualities. Even if I’m wrong, we don’t have the luxury of being able to handle however many more years it takes the GOP to recover its party from the disgrace of a mammal they chose in 2016 and continue to choose today.

  7. I appreciate your response Ryan. It definitely helps me to better understand you. We obviously will never agree on many political issues, but for the record, I still do not consider you to be an enemy.

    1. Tyrell,
      You have not indicated any hint of understanding, or any willingness to understand.

      Here’s a hint. Lay off the red-baiting commie cards, victim cards, the endless string of blame and resentments. ASK someone what they think and why, instead of just pouring on the Right wing name calling, false accusations, and BS.

      This game of faux sincerity wrapped in dishonesty, disrespect and innuendo is tiring.

      Wake up to the complete dishonesty of the president, his party and his media enablers.

      Then you’ll begin to understand us.

  8. Mr. Dubya, I understand you far better than you think I do. You play the racist card, the victim card, the authoritarian card all the time in your commentary. I guess only you and some other leftist are allowed that right. Your rhetoric has become comical in its meme-likeness, predictability, and nonsensicalness.

    Orange man bad! Big amygdalas! Racists! Authoritarians! Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh my!

    Yes, there are plenty of idiots on the right that sadly do fall into that stereotypical category; however, they are rare and are outliers not indicative of the typical conservative.

    You think Antifa cannot be fascist because it is in their name. I bet you still think the Affordable Care Act made healthcare affordable too.

    I don’t know why I bother even responding to you, as I am sure this will only reward me with another hate-filled diatribe in return. Dave, it would be nice if could acknowledge the beam in your own eye first, buddy. I guess I must be your enemy too though. For the record, you aren’t mine either.

    1. Tyrell,

      I know you by other names as well. We’ve been around and around this track before. My points are reasoned and evidence based. You were plainly wrong on the ones I called out. e.g.Reade.

      You call antifa fascist, but not the “very fine people” they oppose. Ha. Black is white. Up is down. Trump is an honest honorable man who wants to strip Americans of health care, reward the rich, and punish the poor. He makes America great by division and anger, blame and accusation.

      And duped Christians think Jesus sent him to save America. How’s that workin’ out?

      But you don’t want to recognize facts, do you, Mr. Paine?

  9. Mr. Dubya, you are either being disingenuous or intentionally lying — again.

    As you well know, I have repeatedly and incessantly called out those people whom are guilty of actual racism over the years. (Not the PC made-up, micro-aggression, every-white-person-in-America is racist kind.)

    I don’t know if Reade’s allegations are factual or not, but there is a hell of a lot more corroborating evidence and witnesses to her story than there ever was for Ford’s. But the ideology of the target is different so I guess, like many on the left, your standards are malleable.

    Next, I call out the fascist Antifa, yes. I also call out the racist neo-Nazi’s, KKK, etc. I’ve said this repeatedly over the years too. Those whose ideology is wrapped up in hate of others, because they are others, and will resort to violence to promote their twisted viewpoints are deserving only of our scorn, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they fall.

    As for Trump, as you well know, I did not vote for him nor do I find him to be honest or honorable in many ways. That said, your leftist rhetoric discounts some of the good things that has come from his administration, including helping communities of color with record-low unemployment prior to the Wuhan virus pandemic. The economy under Trump helped the poor far greater than anything done during President Obama’s administration.

    “He makes America great by division and anger, blame and accusation.”

    Well… yes and no. He does not make America great by doing those things, but he has been repeatedly guilty of it, just like you and many leftists are guilty of the same in reverse. We are your enemies, right? Often times though, Trump’s tantrums, division, and accusation occur in response to those very same things being leveled at him from the left.

    Last, I suppose there are some Christians that think Trump was sent by God to save America. I think they are probably outliers, and I don’t think they are terribly relevant in the grand scheme of things. I don’t think God sent Trump to save us, but then if they alternative was the congenitally corrupt and evil Hillary being president… well, maybe God did save us after all! 😉

  10. I get it, Tyrell.

    I’m complimented by your adopting my playing card metaphor. The difference is in how terms are defined, of course. I use accepted definitions and provide supporting evidence.

    Can you honestly tell us who plays the victim card more often and more absurdly than Trump? “They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln—I believe I am treated worse.”

    You may want to. You may wish you could. You may even try. You will be laughed at, just like the world laughs at our con man in charge.

    You were clearly called out for your falsehood on corporate media coverage of Reade. Instead of admitting your error, you leveled yet another false accusation at me. “Your standards are malleable”.

    As always, no supporting evidence was cited.

    The same goes for you unsupported accusations of “being disingenuous or intentionally lying”.

    As I said, we’ve been around and around this track.

    We understand only YOUR definitions apply to “actual racism”, ” fascist Antifa”, “helping” communities of color, AND “guilty of the same in reverse”. The latter two are entirely favorable to Trump’s terms.

    I love how you apologists for Trump like to credit him for unemployment rates for African Americans. Under Obama the black unemployment rate dropped almost 9%. Trump crows, and is lavishly praised for a 3% drop.

    The accusation of “Your standards are malleable” stands in stark projection.

    You can defend his lies and hate all you want. You can blame his lies and hate on me, the press, or others all you want. That is your bubble’s frame. I get that. I understand authoritarians more than you understand progressives.

    While I can readily acknowledge corruption by the Clintons, I have to wonder how willfully blind you are to Trump’s lies, hate, vast corruption, cronyism, nepotism, fraud, incompetence, ignorance, and crimes.

    How the hell can we see a MAGA hat as anything but a symbol of ignorance or hate?

    Those indoctrinated to believe progressivism and Stalinism are the same, can easily be deluded into seeing white nationalism and fascism as patriotism.

    Is is mere coincidence that while Trump praises dictators, he hates the same liberals, educators, journalists, and labor unions that Hitler hated?

    I do not hate you, but I do hate Neo-Nazis and other Trump supporting racists. I can forgive them if they repent. But I will never stop hating their ideology. And as our greatest American anti-fascist FDR said of other enemies of democracy, I embrace their hatred.

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