Cooper Hurts Bigots’ Feelings by Calling Out Pam Bondi

found online by Raymond

From Tommy Christopher at Mediaite:

CNN host Anderson Cooper created quite a stir with his grilling of Republican Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi on Tuesday, in which he took her to task for her past anti-gay statements during an interview about the Orlando mass shooting. Nowhere is the hurt over this interview more acute than among conservative online bigots, who just can’t understand what Cooper’s damage was even as Bondi continued to erase LGBT identity from the attack during the actual interview:

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One thought on “Cooper Hurts Bigots’ Feelings by Calling Out Pam Bondi”

  1. Pam, you should have acknowledged that the people attacked and killed were LGBT and you should always champion their causes. It is not merely enough to acknowledge their humanity and the tragic loss of life in this savage and evil attack. Don’t you know that LGBT acceptance is not enough anymore. You must be a full-throated champion of LGBT rights. Anything else puts you in the crowd of those “religious bigots”.

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