AGs Who Got Trump Donations Dropped Investigations

found online by Raymond

From Kathy Gill at The Moderate Voice:

Donald Trump donated money to the political campaigns of two state attorneys general and their offices dropped investigations into Trump University.

Trump launched online Trump University courses in 2005. By 2007, negative reports began surfacing about the sales technique for the three-day course. Nevertheless, in 2007 the Bush Administration gave Trump University an indirect endorsement when the Small Business Administration jointly developed an online course, “How to Start a Business on a Shoestring Budget,” with Trump.

By 2010, news organizations began reporting complaints about the three-day course. The Better Business Bureau gave Trump University a near failing grade of D-. The state Education Department in New York finally demanded that Trump drop “university” from the name of the company. The new (now defunct) name: Trump Entrepreneur Institute.

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