Narcissist’s Playbook: Why There Likely Will be No Organized Violence

found online by Raymond


Michael Flynn at Trump rally in Washington, DC urging overturn of election     [Image from CBS Evening News]

From The Psy of Life:

Trump thinks it will all happen because he wants it to happen. Don’t believe me? Remember, he is the fellow who lost an aircraft carrier group during his first six months in office because he couldn’t distinguish the chain of command from Twitter.

Armed insurrection takes real leadership, vision, and organization. In case you hadn’t noticed, they are all in short supply at the White House. It will also take real work. When has the Ol’ Pussy Grabber ever worked at anything including grabbing a pussy?

Yes, Trump is making an authoritarian grab for illegitimate power to install himself in office. Yes, the Congressional and some state Repubes are supporting him. Yes, the Proud Boys and MAGAs are making a simpering show of “force” in the streets. But no one is doing the hard work of organizing the “movement” of white grievance into a military force.

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