Richard Jewell Reviewed By ‑ ‑ ‑ Wait, Who?

found online by Raymond


Never Forget

From PZ Myers:

Now I’m physically incapable of seeing Richard Jewell, because of all the projectile vomiting

American Patriot has put up a review of the movie. Given AmPat’s reputation, you might expect it to be jingoistic and stupid, and you’d be right.

Don’t rush to click on the link, though. There’s one more detail that you need to brace yourself for.

The review is written by…George Zimmerman. You know, the guy who murdered Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black kid who went to the store to buy candy and was then tracked and shot by vigilante Zimmerman.

You will not be surprised to learn that Zimmerman loved Richard Jewell, because he identifies with Jewell.

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