Police Officer Helps Move a 94-Year-Old Stranger into His New Home

found online by alert reader TeeTee

From CBS News:

Fort Myers, Florida — A lot of police officers go above and beyond — playing basketball with kids, mowing grass for seniors — we see examples on the news all the time. But few officers have gone further out of their way than Sergeant Jeff Turney of the Glendale, Arizona police department.

It started with a call to dispatch: “I have a 94-year-old father. He’s loaded up a trailer and thinks he can drive his vehicle and the trailer to Florida. And I’d like to have somebody talk to him, if they could.”

Police responded to the home of Howard Benson.

“I walked in the door and saw him sitting there and I said, ‘We’re not going to talk any sense into this guy,'” Sergeant Turney said.

It turns out there was no stopping him.

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