D-Day, Tiananmen, Democrats, Dark Money, UK, Ancient Trump Warning

  • The Onion has satiric highlights of President Trump’s visit to the U.K.
  • Frances Langum settled in to watch Fox News solemnly covering ceremonies at a Normandy cemetery for thousands of soldiers who died on the beaches on D-Day in 1944. The solemn coverage took a bit of a turn as the Fox team attacked Democrats for talking on camera with kids, and laughed about liberal restaurants neglecting to use the phrase ladies and gentlemen, all against a background of nearly 10,000 D-Day grave markers. You’d think this would be a sure thing for the Most-Tasteless-of-the-Year award, but Fox keeps rolling and the year ain’t over yet.
  • The Fox News team are not the only ones to use D-Day as a backdrop. Tommy Christopher listens to Rush Limbaugh as he tries “putting D-Day in perspective” by attacking immigrants as an invasion force.
  • There was another anniversary this week. Folks my age might remember the unarmed young man, standing alone, who faced down a column of Chinese tanks. Thirty years later, our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit commemorates the massacre of student demonstrators at Tiananmen Square. You’ll never guess who is on record saying the killing of those kids was a good idea.
  • tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors reports as a constituent of a Florida state representative quotes the Bible and proposes putting homosexuals to death. The representative chuckles at the hilarious vision of killing gay people. He does apologize, although not in a way you might expect.
  • Several Republican controlled states are so severely restricting abortion rights, even anti-abortion activists are a little hesitant about it. But elections do have consequences. driftglass peers into the darkness and sees bright lights as other states are protecting women’s rights and conservatives are freaking out.
  • It’s time to ask an avowed atheist if he has ever experienced a miracle. In The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser, atheist Bruce deals with the question gently, in careful detail.
    We religious folk seem especially vulnerable to the temptation of arrogance. I like Bruce and I have considered his arguments. I have confronted similar logic with what I hope is clear respect. It isn’t that hard. For one thing, I do not attempt to rebut what seems beyond refutation.
  • At MadMikesAmerica, Michael John Scott hears that Apple is about to kill off iTunes and launches a celebration.

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