GOP: Holla-Holla for a Dollah!

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

It’s a pretty well-known fact that Republicans will accept money from anyone (small, unmarked bills in non-sequential numbers preferred). And even though sometimes the money is from an unsavory source (like, say, another Republican!) they will still take it.

Anyway, I’m old enough to remember when in 2018 the entire GOP was shocked and outraged that RNC Finance Chairman billionaire Steve Wynn of casino fame, one of their biggest donors, was caught sexually abusing and harassing his employees! No, no, a step to far for the Family Values team! and they returned his Ameros and You’re Fired’ed him.

Crisis over, amirite?

No I am not!

“The national Republican Party has accepted nearly $400,000 in donations from disgraced ex-casino mogul Steve Wynn — a move that comes just over a year after he was accused of sexually harassing or assaulting employees over a decade-long period.

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