Trumping the Bible, Dangling a Pardon, Manafort Message, the Wall

One thought on “Trumping the Bible, Dangling a Pardon, Manafort Message, the Wall”

  1. If you have a good case for your religion, you don’t lead with, “You’re going to be sorry for not believing!” or “Only God can forgive you for being so despicable.” This is only effective on the vulnerable (e.g. those in need, those who feel guilty, those who are lonely) and those who are already interested in joining or otherwise primed to believe. The fact that evangelicals so often resort to such arguments is a testament to how little evidence they actually have, how low their own standards for belief are, how little thought they have put toward the matter, and how little they know about other religions and atheism. The continued use of poor strategies also indicates an inability or unwillingness to learn.

    What’s strange is how otherwise intelligent people, who function perfectly well in the real world and have normal relationships with other people and stay informed, can be so oblivious. They just have a massive blind spot where religion is concerned.

    “Doesn’t look like anything to me.”

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